Plaque detector
Scientists at the University of Liverpool have developed a new dental product to identify plaque before it is visible to the human eye alone. The device is the size of a toothbrush and emits light that must be viewed with special yellow glasses with a red filter. In doing so, the plaque – if present… Continua a leggere Plaque detector
DIY teeth whitening
The do-it-yourself dentist is becoming increasingly popular and the products can be found on the internet, but also in pharmacies where they are normally sold. Among the most requested are whitening kits, fixing kits for bridges and caps and bites to avoid grinding your teeth while you sleep. The main reason for resorting to DIY… Continua a leggere DIY teeth whitening
Toothpastes, which one to choose?
Surely you too have gone to buy toothpaste at the supermarket or pharmacy and found yourself with a wide range of products, but which one to choose? Often the choice falls on advertised products or a selection based on cost is made because from a health point of view all toothpastes promise to "fight tooth… Continua a leggere Toothpastes, which one to choose?
Psoriasis: it can be controlled
The arrival of spring is not good news for psoriatics because in the heat you have to wear light clothes which inevitably reveal your arms and legs. Psoriasis is the most diagnosed skin disease by dermatologists, which not only "marks" the skin, but also the soul. In fact, many patients feel uncomfortable because of the… Continua a leggere Psoriasis: it can be controlled
World psoriasis day
Two and a half million Italians suffer from psoriasis , a non-contagious skin disease which, however, is often a cause of shame for the sick. The pathology initially manifests itself with reddish patches that are covered with "scales" and whitish growths . The disease has alternating phases: it passes from the chronic sentence to that… Continua a leggere World psoriasis day
Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis
A drug, still under study by Johnson & Johnson shows positive effects that bode well against psoriasis , one of the most common forms of chronic dermatitis in the world. The news reported from a phase 3 study of Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) shows a significant reduction, quantified around 75% (data obtained by measuring the affected… Continua a leggere Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis
Cell phone dermatitis
The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) recently published a report to warn people allergic to metals about the risks of using a mobile phone. Particularly sensitized people can show an allergy to nickel which manifests itself on the areas of skin exposed to it, causing dermatitis and rash. The European Union has regulated by decree… Continua a leggere Cell phone dermatitis