News in pills from the world

World psoriasis day

Two and a half million Italians suffer from psoriasis , a non-contagious skin disease which, however, is often a cause of shame for the sick. The pathology initially manifests itself with reddish patches that are covered with "scales" and whitish growths . The disease has alternating phases: it passes from the chronic sentence to that… Continua a leggere World psoriasis day

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Neuroblastoma, news from research

[Neuroblastoma – microscope photo by Dr. Maria Tsokos, National Cancer Institute] Neuroblastoma is one of the most common tumors of the nervous system in childhood, it is the cause of 15% of childhood cancer deaths, unfortunately those affected by stage IV neuroblastoma it has very little chance of survival which is around 20% . The… Continua a leggere Neuroblastoma, news from research

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Stem cell transplant to treat diabetes

Medical science is increasingly aiming at the prevention and repair of the defect at the origin of the disease, according to a new philosophy aimed at intervening further upstream of the pathogenic process than on the final effects with devices or treatments aimed at mitigating rather than definitively curing a disease, such as diabetes. Confirmations… Continua a leggere Stem cell transplant to treat diabetes

2022-12-28Bio Blog