
Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's

Yesterday World Parkinson's Day was celebrated, a conference organized in the Campidoglio by the Italian Parkinsonian Association (AIP). The data reported is certainly not comforting: in Italy alone there are four hundred thousand people with Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects 3 people out of every thousand (about 1% of the over 65s) and which… Continua a leggere Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Probiotic diet

With the arrival of the cold season, bacterial infections increase and therefore the use of antibiotics, which can alter the normal intestinal balance. Especially children and the elderly are at risk. It is therefore better to follow a " probiotic diet ", which includes the consumption of probiotics to be used not only during –… Continua a leggere Probiotic diet

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Lose weight and quit smoking

I'm publishing an interesting speech by Toni Gargiullo on the possibility of quitting smoking and losing weight at the same time. Quitting smoking and losing weight are two of the biggest health problems of our times ever, and very often the biggest concern for those who would like to quit smoking is precisely the possibility… Continua a leggere Lose weight and quit smoking

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Herpes zoster: yes from the FDA to Zostavax

Herpes zoster, also known as "shingles", is the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus and consists of annoying and painful bubbles that cover the dermis. This pathology mainly affects the elderly (over 60 years of age) and more sporadically young people and adults. The treatment used up to now is the administration of Aciclovir, a… Continua a leggere Herpes zoster: yes from the FDA to Zostavax

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Psoriasis: it can be controlled

The arrival of spring is not good news for psoriatics because in the heat you have to wear light clothes which inevitably reveal your arms and legs. Psoriasis is the most diagnosed skin disease by dermatologists, which not only "marks" the skin, but also the soul. In fact, many patients feel uncomfortable because of the… Continua a leggere Psoriasis: it can be controlled

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis

A drug, still under study by Johnson & Johnson shows positive effects that bode well against psoriasis , one of the most common forms of chronic dermatitis in the world. The news reported from a phase 3 study of Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) shows a significant reduction, quantified around 75% (data obtained by measuring the affected… Continua a leggere Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Drug for advanced prostate cancer

A new drug currently under investigation has been shown to be effective in slowing the progression of advanced prostate cancer. The prostate cancer treatment, called MDV3100 , is designed for men who have advanced prostate cancer and are resistant to drug therapy that targets androgen receptors. The study has already been reported in the online… Continua a leggere Drug for advanced prostate cancer

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Innovative drug against melanoma

In Barcelona where ECCO, the European Cancer Conference is taking place, researchers from Synta Pharmaceuticals presented a drug that would give good hopes against skin cancer called melanoma. The drug, still unnamed, would be able to stop or at least delay the development of melanoma by acting on the metabolism of oxygen in tumor cells.… Continua a leggere Innovative drug against melanoma

2022-12-28Bio Blog

Revolutionary molecule against lung cancer

Sadly aware of the fact that against lung cancer, which currently affects about 37,000 people every year in Italy alone, there are still few effective treatments, the pharmaceutical company Pharmion has announced the launch of an international phase III study on the treatment of small cell lung cancer with amrubicin (a new fully synthetic anthracycline).… Continua a leggere Revolutionary molecule against lung cancer

2022-12-28Bio Blog