
Healing properties of Aloe Vera

Adriano de Sanctis of sent me a complete and exhaustive document on Aloe Vera which I also propose to you. The field of application of the Gel obtained from the leaves of the Aloe Barbadensis Miller plant, better known as Aloe Vera, are many, thanks to the therapeutic properties of this plant, which is… Continua a leggere Healing properties of Aloe Vera


Rotavirus infections

Rotavirus infections are not only the first cause of acute gastroenteritis in children, but – as demonstrated by the research group directed by Professor Maurizio de Martino, Director of the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Florence and Meyer, in studies carried out with Dr. Elena Chiappini – they also spread to the respiratory… Continua a leggere Rotavirus infections


Probiotic diet

With the arrival of the cold season, bacterial infections increase and therefore the use of antibiotics, which can alter the normal intestinal balance. Especially children and the elderly are at risk. It is therefore better to follow a " probiotic diet ", which includes the consumption of probiotics to be used not only during –… Continua a leggere Probiotic diet
