
Causes and treatments of acne in men

Acne can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for both men and women. However, it is a common skin problem among men , especially during adolescence. Causes of acne in men Male acne is caused by a combination of androgen hormones and excess sebaceous glands . These hormones affect the production of sebum, which can clog skin… Continua a leggere Causes and treatments of acne in men


Causes and treatments for acne in women

Acne is a common skin problem among women, especially during adolescence , menstruation and pregnancy . However, acne can also appear in other stages of life, and can have various causes. Causes of acne in women The causes of acne in women are many and can depend on genetic , hormonal , food and lifestyle… Continua a leggere Causes and treatments for acne in women


Causes and treatments of hair loss in women

Hair loss and female pattern baldness are common problems that can affect the quality of life for many women. Initially, losing a few hairs a day is normal, but when you notice noticeable hair loss , it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in order to find the right treatment. There are many causes of… Continua a leggere Causes and treatments of hair loss in women


Causes and treatments of male pattern baldness

Hair loss and male pattern baldness are problems that affect many people around the world. Although it is a common condition, it can be very stressful and upsetting for people who suffer from it. In this article we will explore the causes of hair loss and male pattern baldness, the associated symptoms and the different… Continua a leggere Causes and treatments of male pattern baldness


What if the problem was the detergent?

Not everyone knows that in common detergents there are chemical agents that are difficult to eliminate in the rinsing phase. These chemical residues, highly allergenic, are in fact absorbed by washed clothes, despite rinsing, and then released in contact with the skin especially in situations of perspiration. Sweat triggers a chemical reaction which, in a… Continua a leggere What if the problem was the detergent?


Psoriasis: it can be controlled

The arrival of spring is not good news for psoriatics because in the heat you have to wear light clothes which inevitably reveal your arms and legs. Psoriasis is the most diagnosed skin disease by dermatologists, which not only "marks" the skin, but also the soul. In fact, many patients feel uncomfortable because of the… Continua a leggere Psoriasis: it can be controlled


World psoriasis day

Two and a half million Italians suffer from psoriasis , a non-contagious skin disease which, however, is often a cause of shame for the sick. The pathology initially manifests itself with reddish patches that are covered with "scales" and whitish growths . The disease has alternating phases: it passes from the chronic sentence to that… Continua a leggere World psoriasis day


Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis

A drug, still under study by Johnson & Johnson shows positive effects that bode well against psoriasis , one of the most common forms of chronic dermatitis in the world. The news reported from a phase 3 study of Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) shows a significant reduction, quantified around 75% (data obtained by measuring the affected… Continua a leggere Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis


Cell phone dermatitis

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) recently published a report to warn people allergic to metals about the risks of using a mobile phone. Particularly sensitized people can show an allergy to nickel which manifests itself on the areas of skin exposed to it, causing dermatitis and rash. The European Union has regulated by decree… Continua a leggere Cell phone dermatitis
