
New treatments for menopause

Menopause is one of the milestones and one of the most delicate in a woman's life. Hormonal therapy is often needed to counteract its symptoms and consequences , which on the one hand relieves the symptoms and on the other, unfortunately, has a series of collateral. In particular, it seems that hormonal therapies accentuate the… Continua a leggere New treatments for menopause


Infertility: from Rome the invitation to find out why

Couple fertility check-up: this is the proposal of an assisted reproduction center in Rome. From 1st to 12th March, on the occasion of Women's Day, it will be possible to carry out a couple's fertility check in just one hour and at a reduced cost compared to the normal rates. The tests will include a… Continua a leggere Infertility: from Rome the invitation to find out why


The pill: male contraceptive

Thanks to a study conducted by Professor Yan Cheng at the biomedical research center in New York, a molecule was discovered, ionidamine, capable of inducing infertility in humans. In fact, for some time, many researchers had been studying a male equivalent of the pill. Now, ionidamine blocks the formation of sperm, thus interrupting spermatogenesis; in… Continua a leggere The pill: male contraceptive


Unsafe sex common among young people

A new study by British researchers has revealed that cultural and social factors would induce young people to have unprotected sex. The study, carried out at the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and published in the latest edition of the Lances medical journal, found similar sexual behaviors not only within the same state but… Continua a leggere Unsafe sex common among young people


Rebuilding sexuality after childbirth

Childbirth is an important moment in a woman's life, perhaps it is during childbirth that a woman truly feels like a mother for the first time. In the first weeks of the baby's life, the mother tends to pour a thousand attentions and kindnesses on the little one, leaving out the moments of intimacy with… Continua a leggere Rebuilding sexuality after childbirth


A little milk and then to bed

A recent study, conducted by researchers at the University of Extremadura (Spain), clarified how breast milk helps babies fall asleep. The pages of the Journal of Nutrirional Neuroscience described the study, which analyzed the composition of milk throughout the day, demonstrating that it varies significantly over the course of twenty-four hours. In particular, nucleotides, important… Continua a leggere A little milk and then to bed


Painless delivery with an epidural

From CremonaWeb : "The epidural – explains the head of gynecology of the garrison, Mauro Melpignano – is practiced by the anesthetist at the request of the patient herself". In general, the parturients arrive already with the idea of doing this type of birth, and contact the anesthesiologist some time before. And there are not… Continua a leggere Painless delivery with an epidural


Hallucinogenic mushrooms as psychoactive drugs

An effect of spiritual well-being that lasts over a year after intake. It is caused by hallucinogenic mushrooms, used for millennia in many populations for mystical-religious purposes, but also by young and old in search of alternative experiences to hard drugs . And today the relaxing and anti-anxiety properties of these yeasts are seen in… Continua a leggere Hallucinogenic mushrooms as psychoactive drugs


Tourette's syndrome: rare disease but not too much

Tourette's Syndrome is classified as a rare disease and is a neurological and not a psychiatric pathology, as it was defined until a few years ago, given its symptoms. It is a disease that is often unknown or that not everyone has heard of, but around 220,000 people in Italy are affected, half of whom… Continua a leggere Tourette's syndrome: rare disease but not too much
