Unsafe sex common among young people

Category: Archive Contraceptives File Virus
Tag: #condoms #sex

A new study by British researchers has revealed that cultural and social factors would induce young people to have unprotected sex. The study, carried out at the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and published in the latest edition of the Lances medical journal, found similar sexual behaviors not only within the same state but also in distant states, such as Australia and Mexico. In particular, it has been seen that the use of condoms represents a lack of trust in the partner and a decrease in pleasure especially in males. The researchers concluded that programs for the dissemination and use of condoms as well as informing people should somehow address these social obstacles, otherwise they will never change the way children think and therefore act.

[via allheadlinenews ]

Published: 2022-12-28From: Marketing

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