
Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's

Yesterday World Parkinson's Day was celebrated, a conference organized in the Campidoglio by the Italian Parkinsonian Association (AIP). The data reported is certainly not comforting: in Italy alone there are four hundred thousand people with Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects 3 people out of every thousand (about 1% of the over 65s) and which… Continua a leggere Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's


Depression is the first sign of Parkinson's

Here is the news that many have been waiting for, at least anyone who has a relative or friend affected by this terrible disease. The diagnosis of Parkinson 's can now be anticipated and perhaps caught in time and treated. At the XI European Congress of Neurology in Brussels it was in fact said that… Continua a leggere Depression is the first sign of Parkinson's


Mediterranean diet against chronic degenerative diseases

A significant improvement in health status, with a 9% reduction in total mortality, 9% in mortality from cardiovascular causes, 13% in the incidence of diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and 6% in the incidence or mortality from cancer . This is what is recorded in those who follow the Mediterranean diet on a permanent… Continua a leggere Mediterranean diet against chronic degenerative diseases
