Oral hygiene

DIY teeth whitening

The do-it-yourself dentist is becoming increasingly popular and the products can be found on the internet, but also in pharmacies where they are normally sold. Among the most requested are whitening kits, fixing kits for bridges and caps and bites to avoid grinding your teeth while you sleep. The main reason for resorting to DIY… Continua a leggere DIY teeth whitening

dentifricio spazzolino

Toothpastes, which one to choose?

Surely you too have gone to buy toothpaste at the supermarket or pharmacy and found yourself with a wide range of products, but which one to choose? Often the choice falls on advertised products or a selection based on cost is made because from a health point of view all toothpastes promise to "fight tooth… Continua a leggere Toothpastes, which one to choose?
