Genetics (DNA)

Artificial cells: the new frontier of therapy

Research destined to revolutionize the future of medicine has been published in the well-known journal Science: the birth of artificial life, i.e. artificial cells. The architect of this was Craig Verter, renowned scientist, protagonist in 2000 of the Human Genome Project, pioneer of long-term experiments but also a character criticized by ethics commissions for his… Continua a leggere Artificial cells: the new frontier of therapy


Type I tyrosinemia: today it is possible to diagnose it in time

Type I tyrosinemia is a genetic pathology that gives rise to a very serious hepatic metabolic disease, above all because until now it has always been diagnosed after having found the symptoms. It is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner , by a mutation on chromosome 15 , of the gene for the hydrolysis enzyme… Continua a leggere Type I tyrosinemia: today it is possible to diagnose it in time


Underweight babies, the cause is genetics

The CDKAL1 gene known to scientists as involved in the development of type 2 diabetes could also be the cause of low birth weight babies. The discovery was made by researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and highlights an unusual condition; that in which the same gene… Continua a leggere Underweight babies, the cause is genetics


Herpes Virus: nanotechnology against cancer

Excluding skin cancers, breast cancer is, in one out of three cases, the type of cancer diagnosed in female patients. Our immune system is designed to fight cancer . T-cells in the human body belong to a group of white blood cells and play a central role in immunity. However, cancer cells cause T-cells to… Continua a leggere Herpes Virus: nanotechnology against cancer


HIV: new therapeutic strategies

To eliminate HIV from the body, at a minimum, infected, quiescent T cells would need to be forced to produce viral proteins. This would cause the destruction of these cells, which would be attacked by drugs that block the spread of the virus from one cell to another. New data suggest that an intensification of… Continua a leggere HIV: new therapeutic strategies


Tourette's syndrome: rare disease but not too much

Tourette's Syndrome is classified as a rare disease and is a neurological and not a psychiatric pathology, as it was defined until a few years ago, given its symptoms. It is a disease that is often unknown or that not everyone has heard of, but around 220,000 people in Italy are affected, half of whom… Continua a leggere Tourette's syndrome: rare disease but not too much


Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's

Yesterday World Parkinson's Day was celebrated, a conference organized in the Campidoglio by the Italian Parkinsonian Association (AIP). The data reported is certainly not comforting: in Italy alone there are four hundred thousand people with Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects 3 people out of every thousand (about 1% of the over 65s) and which… Continua a leggere Hopes from gene therapy for Parkinson's


Psychology: sensitivity is written in the genes

Even emotion has genetic basis. This is demonstrated by research conducted at the University of California in Los Angeles, the results of which were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to scientists, it would be the Oprm-1 gene that regulates the intensity of the response to social rejection, causing… Continua a leggere Psychology: sensitivity is written in the genes


World psoriasis day

Two and a half million Italians suffer from psoriasis , a non-contagious skin disease which, however, is often a cause of shame for the sick. The pathology initially manifests itself with reddish patches that are covered with "scales" and whitish growths . The disease has alternating phases: it passes from the chronic sentence to that… Continua a leggere World psoriasis day
