
MOC, Computerized Bone Mineralometry for osteoporosis

X-ray computerized bone mineralometry (abbreviated as MOC ) represents the current method of reference in the diagnosis of osteoporosis , successfully used at the polyclinic of Milan and in other Italian hospitals. MOC is based on the principle of photonic absorptiometry: a thin beam of X-rays passing through the tissues is absorbed in proportion to… Continua a leggere MOC, Computerized Bone Mineralometry for osteoporosis


Type I tyrosinemia: today it is possible to diagnose it in time

Type I tyrosinemia is a genetic pathology that gives rise to a very serious hepatic metabolic disease, above all because until now it has always been diagnosed after having found the symptoms. It is transmitted in an autosomal recessive manner , by a mutation on chromosome 15 , of the gene for the hydrolysis enzyme… Continua a leggere Type I tyrosinemia: today it is possible to diagnose it in time


Underweight babies, the cause is genetics

The CDKAL1 gene known to scientists as involved in the development of type 2 diabetes could also be the cause of low birth weight babies. The discovery was made by researchers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and highlights an unusual condition; that in which the same gene… Continua a leggere Underweight babies, the cause is genetics


Potato virus as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's

In tests conducted on animals, researchers at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland – Ohio), have demonstrated the effectiveness of a vaccine based on a molecule similar to beta amylodie, responsible for the pathology, which is found in a potato virus – virus Y. The vaccine has the ability to produce a high level of antibodies… Continua a leggere Potato virus as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's


Rotavirus infections

Rotavirus infections are not only the first cause of acute gastroenteritis in children, but – as demonstrated by the research group directed by Professor Maurizio de Martino, Director of the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Florence and Meyer, in studies carried out with Dr. Elena Chiappini – they also spread to the respiratory… Continua a leggere Rotavirus infections


Herpes Virus: nanotechnology against cancer

Excluding skin cancers, breast cancer is, in one out of three cases, the type of cancer diagnosed in female patients. Our immune system is designed to fight cancer . T-cells in the human body belong to a group of white blood cells and play a central role in immunity. However, cancer cells cause T-cells to… Continua a leggere Herpes Virus: nanotechnology against cancer


News on the diagnosis of renal dysfunction

More and more people suffer from high blood pressure and have diabetes problems, the blame could be attributed to the incorrect lifestyle of Western society. Over time, the same habits lead to a drastic drop in kidney function, in some cases we get to talk about chronic kidney disease, CKD (chronic renal disease) to put… Continua a leggere News on the diagnosis of renal dysfunction


Salmonella: a new vector for the pneumonia vaccine

Researchers at the Biodesign Institute (Arizona State University) have genetically modified the enteric salmonella bacterium to make it produce an antigen against pneumonia. The bacterium, released into the patient, produces antibody molecules capable of counteracting the pneumonia bacterium without causing damage to the body. “If we try to use live Streptococcus pneumoniae to make a… Continua a leggere Salmonella: a new vector for the pneumonia vaccine


Universal influenza vaccine

The vaccine that many people get every year to protect themselves against the different viral strains of flu may no longer be necessary. It is the promise of a universal vaccine that lasts "forever", or as some say "for all eternity", and could prove to be an effective weapon in the event of a pandemic.… Continua a leggere Universal influenza vaccine
