

Neuroblastoma, news from research

[Neuroblastoma – microscope photo by Dr. Maria Tsokos, National Cancer Institute] Neuroblastoma is one of the most common tumors of the nervous system in childhood, it is the cause of 15% of childhood cancer deaths, unfortunately those affected by stage IV neuroblastoma it has very little chance of survival which is around 20% . The… Continua a leggere Neuroblastoma, news from research


Breast cancer early detection starts at home

Early detection of breast cancer , or mammary carcinoma (malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast), is possible if a woman pays attention to changes in her breasts over time. The initial stage is represented by a soft or hard lump , fixed or mobile, painful or not, which does not disappear and… Continua a leggere Breast cancer early detection starts at home


Revolutionary molecule against lung cancer

Sadly aware of the fact that against lung cancer, which currently affects about 37,000 people every year in Italy alone, there are still few effective treatments, the pharmaceutical company Pharmion has announced the launch of an international phase III study on the treatment of small cell lung cancer with amrubicin (a new fully synthetic anthracycline).… Continua a leggere Revolutionary molecule against lung cancer



The risk factor that can cause mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers , particularly volatile, which are easily inhaled, just think that an asbestos fiber is 1300 times thinner than a human hair. Mesothelioma is a rare and serious cancer, which mainly affects the membrane lining the lung (pleura) or the intestine (peritoneum). This evil… Continua a leggere Mesothelioma


Gene therapy and rheumatoid arthritis

There has been talk of gene therapy recently (see ADA-SCID) and it continues to be talked about. There is no longer a scientific journal that does not report advances or results obtained in the experimentation of these techniques. Gene therapy is not a new approach but tangible results are only now beginning to be appreciated.… Continua a leggere Gene therapy and rheumatoid arthritis

Sindrome di Sjogren

Rare diseases 1: Sjogren's syndrome

Sjogren's Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease, which predominantly affects women, with a ratio of 9:1, with a probably genetic origin due to a specific mutation but also due to EBV viral infection ( Epstein's virus -Barr ). As an autoimmune disease, the syndrome determines the inability of T lymphocytes to discriminate between foreign organisms… Continua a leggere Rare diseases 1: Sjogren's syndrome


Aclasta against osteoporosis and fractures

Novartis publishes the results of the first study performed on Aclasta , an osteoporosis drug in patients with hip fractures. It has been seen that administering Aclasta once a year prevents new fractures by 35% and improves life in a certain sense. In fact, it would seem that in the group of patients analyzed the… Continua a leggere Aclasta against osteoporosis and fractures


Osteoporosis, the data

Osteoporosis is a chronic, debilitating disease that makes bones porous and brittle.1 It causes decreases in bone density and quality, weakening of the skeleton, and an increased risk of fractures, particularly of the vertebral bodies, wrist, femur, pelvis, and limbs. osteoporosis can progress asymptomatically to the point of bone fracture.3 Bone is living tissue with… Continua a leggere Osteoporosis, the data


Cemented total hip prosthesis

Over the years, but not only, the joints lose elasticity and arthrosis phenomena can occur which cause pain, up to a poor mobility of the patient. In these cases, a hip prosthesis similar to the one visible in the radiograph to the side is used. The procedure itself is quite simple and takes about an… Continua a leggere Cemented total hip prosthesis
