
New therapeutic frontiers for Multiple Sclerosis

From personal experience I have been able to verify that in recent years Multiple Sclerosis (MS) increasingly affects early onset, therefore very young people, but I have also been able to appreciate, having worked in a Research and Treatment Center for Multiple Sclerosis, that State-of-the-art therapies visually slow its progression, thus also increasing the quality… Continua a leggere New therapeutic frontiers for Multiple Sclerosis


A simple eye exam can track the progress of multiple sclerosis

A quick scan of the eye may offer a simple and painless way for multiple sclerosis patients to track the progress of the disease. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Multiple Sclerosis Center in Baltimore have discovered that by observing the nerve fibers in the back of the retina, one can get a fairly accurate picture… Continua a leggere A simple eye exam can track the progress of multiple sclerosis


HIV: new therapeutic strategies

To eliminate HIV from the body, at a minimum, infected, quiescent T cells would need to be forced to produce viral proteins. This would cause the destruction of these cells, which would be attacked by drugs that block the spread of the virus from one cell to another. New data suggest that an intensification of… Continua a leggere HIV: new therapeutic strategies


HIV test in prison

The capillary diffusion of HIV depends on the fact that not only is the disease too often underestimated , but above all on the fact that individuals too often consider themselves immune from being able to contract the disease. There are few people who undergo the HIV test to prove it was a student of… Continua a leggere HIV test in prison


New cure for deadly allergies

Just a few days ago the news came out of the death of a little girl from an allergic reaction to a simple ice cream. Unfortunately, allergies, especially food allergies, are increasing in number and often the cure is not so simple. Examples of this are intolerances and pathologies such as celiac disease. Scientists at… Continua a leggere New cure for deadly allergies


What if the problem was the detergent?

Not everyone knows that in common detergents there are chemical agents that are difficult to eliminate in the rinsing phase. These chemical residues, highly allergenic, are in fact absorbed by washed clothes, despite rinsing, and then released in contact with the skin especially in situations of perspiration. Sweat triggers a chemical reaction which, in a… Continua a leggere What if the problem was the detergent?


Malformations and dysfunctions of the female reproductive system

L’articolo propone una rassengna semplice e sintetica delle principali disfunzioni che impediscono di mettere al mondo un bambino.


New treatments for menopause

Menopause is one of the milestones and one of the most delicate in a woman's life. Hormonal therapy is often needed to counteract its symptoms and consequences , which on the one hand relieves the symptoms and on the other, unfortunately, has a series of collateral. In particular, it seems that hormonal therapies accentuate the… Continua a leggere New treatments for menopause


Infertility: from Rome the invitation to find out why

Couple fertility check-up: this is the proposal of an assisted reproduction center in Rome. From 1st to 12th March, on the occasion of Women's Day, it will be possible to carry out a couple's fertility check in just one hour and at a reduced cost compared to the normal rates. The tests will include a… Continua a leggere Infertility: from Rome the invitation to find out why
