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Anche BioBlog vuole dare il suo contributo simbolico alla causa del popolo della Birmania visto che il regime, dopo aver ucciso nella giornata di ieri decine di persone, ora ha bloccato la rete internet impedendo agli studenti di documentare in vari blog, con immagini e racconti, le violenze subite.

Publicato: 2007-09-28Da: Marketing

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Artificial cells: the new frontier of therapy

Research destined to revolutionize the future of medicine has been published in the well-known journal Science: the birth of artificial life, i.e. artificial cells. The architect of this was Craig Verter, renowned scientist, protagonist in 2000 of the Human Genome Project, pioneer of long-term experiments but also a character criticized by ethics commissions for his… Continua a leggere Artificial cells: the new frontier of therapy


A little milk and then to bed

A recent study, conducted by researchers at the University of Extremadura (Spain), clarified how breast milk helps babies fall asleep. The pages of the Journal of Nutrirional Neuroscience described the study, which analyzed the composition of milk throughout the day, demonstrating that it varies significantly over the course of twenty-four hours. In particular, nucleotides, important… Continua a leggere A little milk and then to bed


Tears and good health

Men cry too, but the tear record goes to women, who cry about one day out of six, a total of 64 times a year. Quadruple, that is, compared to the maximum of 17 times for humans (on average once every 22 days). This is what emerges from a study by the German Association of… Continua a leggere Tears and good health

gara corsa

Running to the limit

Running is a sport practiced by many. Convenient because it can be practiced anywhere, in any climatic condition, in company or alone, outdoors or indoors, it is an economical sport. A mix of excellence to make it a fascinating and attractive sport. It is a simple sport that allows you to maintain and develop good… Continua a leggere Running to the limit
