
Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis

A drug, still under study by Johnson & Johnson shows positive effects that bode well against psoriasis , one of the most common forms of chronic dermatitis in the world. The news reported from a phase 3 study of Ustekinumab (CNTO 1275) shows a significant reduction, quantified around 75% (data obtained by measuring the affected… Continua a leggere Monoclonal antibodies against psoriasis


Cell phone dermatitis

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) recently published a report to warn people allergic to metals about the risks of using a mobile phone. Particularly sensitized people can show an allergy to nickel which manifests itself on the areas of skin exposed to it, causing dermatitis and rash. The European Union has regulated by decree… Continua a leggere Cell phone dermatitis


The retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor that affects the retina and occurs in children under the age of three, in a ratio of 1 in 20,000. It is a rather rare disease that leads to blindness, the causes are unknown, however it seems to have a hereditary character when it affects both eyes. The tumor manifests… Continua a leggere The retinoblastoma


Retinoblastoma, diagnosis with bioluminescence

Thanks to a new methodology based on bioluminescence it will be possible to diagnose eye cancer early in vivo , without resorting to invasive methods such as biopsy. This is what researchers at the University of Shanghai hypothesize, who have developed a new technique, called BLI (bioluminescence imaging), which is based on the visualization of… Continua a leggere Retinoblastoma, diagnosis with bioluminescence


Drug for advanced prostate cancer

A new drug currently under investigation has been shown to be effective in slowing the progression of advanced prostate cancer. The prostate cancer treatment, called MDV3100 , is designed for men who have advanced prostate cancer and are resistant to drug therapy that targets androgen receptors. The study has already been reported in the online… Continua a leggere Drug for advanced prostate cancer


Early diagnosis of prostate cancer

Treating prostate cancer correctly is a race against time. By the time the patient feels the first symptoms, the disease has already spread. In this context, diagnostic techniques are of fundamental importance: CT, x-rays and magnetic resonance work well, but due to high costs they cannot become routine tests and sometimes they are not even… Continua a leggere Early diagnosis of prostate cancer


Innovative drug against melanoma

In Barcelona where ECCO, the European Cancer Conference is taking place, researchers from Synta Pharmaceuticals presented a drug that would give good hopes against skin cancer called melanoma. The drug, still unnamed, would be able to stop or at least delay the development of melanoma by acting on the metabolism of oxygen in tumor cells.… Continua a leggere Innovative drug against melanoma


Imaging technique to diagnose melanoma

What you see above is the photo of SolarScan, the new generation of digital diagnostic devices to detect melanoma . Imaging techniques have literally revolutionized the dermatology sector, allowing specialist doctors quick access to data, a better study of the skin and above all the possibility of comparing reports made at different points in time.… Continua a leggere Imaging technique to diagnose melanoma


Stem cells from the umbilical cord to save a 2 year old

The doctors at the Dallas hospital have used stem cells , coming from the umbilical cord of the child himself stored in a special bank, to treat a very rare form of cancer which frequently leads to death. The boy, named Caden Ledbetter, suffers from neuroblastoma, a rare malignant embryonic tumor characteristic of this age… Continua a leggere Stem cells from the umbilical cord to save a 2 year old
