
MOC, Computerized Bone Mineralometry for osteoporosis

X-ray computerized bone mineralometry (abbreviated as MOC ) represents the current method of reference in the diagnosis of osteoporosis , successfully used at the polyclinic of Milan and in other Italian hospitals. MOC is based on the principle of photonic absorptiometry: a thin beam of X-rays passing through the tissues is absorbed in proportion to… Continua a leggere MOC, Computerized Bone Mineralometry for osteoporosis


Nanotubes and stem cells for bone reconstruction

It has been found that the use of implants made of titanium nanotubes together with stem cells can accelerate the growth of bone tissue. The group of bioengineers from the University of California – San Diego used nano-biotechnology technologies that made it possible to carry out this experiment. In fact, they were able to place… Continua a leggere Nanotubes and stem cells for bone reconstruction


Cemented total hip prosthesis

Over the years, but not only, the joints lose elasticity and arthrosis phenomena can occur which cause pain, up to a poor mobility of the patient. In these cases, a hip prosthesis similar to the one visible in the radiograph to the side is used. The procedure itself is quite simple and takes about an… Continua a leggere Cemented total hip prosthesis
