Multiple sclerosis

New therapeutic frontiers for Multiple Sclerosis

From personal experience I have been able to verify that in recent years Multiple Sclerosis (MS) increasingly affects early onset, therefore very young people, but I have also been able to appreciate, having worked in a Research and Treatment Center for Multiple Sclerosis, that State-of-the-art therapies visually slow its progression, thus also increasing the quality… Continua a leggere New therapeutic frontiers for Multiple Sclerosis


A simple eye exam can track the progress of multiple sclerosis

A quick scan of the eye may offer a simple and painless way for multiple sclerosis patients to track the progress of the disease. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Multiple Sclerosis Center in Baltimore have discovered that by observing the nerve fibers in the back of the retina, one can get a fairly accurate picture… Continua a leggere A simple eye exam can track the progress of multiple sclerosis
