Diagnosing diabetes from the eye

Categoria: Archive BioBlog news Diabetes Non-invasive tests
Tag: #Diabetes #diagnosis #eyes #Health #Prevention #Welfare

Researchers at Aston University (Birmingham, UK), are carrying out a unique study of its kind to detect the onset of diabetes early from the eye . The study, in the process of recruiting volunteers, will subject people to a cardiovascular test, a vision and eye pressure test and a blood test. Dr. Doina Gherghel, who leads the research, is interested in testing both Orientals and Europeans with or without cases of diabetes in the family. Sunni Patel, a PhD student at Aston University, said there are 2 million diabetics in England and an estimated 750,000 more people are ill without knowing it. Thanks to an early diagnosis it will be possible to contain the symptoms of the disease and thus minimize the effects on the person’s health. [photo orange acid ]

Publicato: 2022-12-28Da: Marketing

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